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Consell chief sits down with head of Balearic parliament

foto-reunio-presparl-2019-12President Alejandra Ferrer met today at 11.00am with Parlament chairman Vicenç Thomàs in the offices of the Consell de Formentera. Ferrer welcomed the official visit, calling it “a way to bring the parliament and Formentera together” and affirming “that’s important for our local government and it’s important for our people, too”.

The pair discussed an array of subjects at the gathering, including, said Ferrer, “the need to work towards sustainability, a common goal for the four islands and an area where Formentera has made real progress. That’s been thanks in part to last term’s parliamentary passing of legislation on Formentera’s environmental and financial sustainability”.

A priority for the present legislative term will be to push through the so-called “law of the Consells” (llei de Consells), which President Ferrer called “fundamental for the Consell de Formentera, especially given our unique role as combined island council and town hall”.

Ferrer also highlighted the General Committee on the Island Councils (Commissió General de Consells Insulars), created at the close of last legislative term to build cooperation between the island councils and parliament. The president described the ambition as “a key part of advocating for the the special features of each island—especially crucial in our case because we’ve only got one representative at Parlament”.

Ferrer also voiced hopes that a new run of committees be convened to bring islanders in on discussing issues specifically relevant to Formentera. Mr Thomàs confirmed plans within Parlament to continue on the same course as last term and keep finding ways to connect the individual islands with the parliamentary body.

Senator for Formentera

Thomàs also spoke about a draft bill, tabled last term by Gent per Formentera and PSOE, to put to rights the Constitution so it reflects Formentera’s right to its own senator.

“On the parliamentary side of things the work is done”, underscored Thomàs, who said the challenge now lay with Congress, and the three Balearic congressional delegates’ role in ensuring the issue is addressed in Madrid: “In my mind it’s a good thing if we’re frank with ourselves and recognise that the legislation puts Formentera in a position to, at some point in the future, have its own senator”.

4 October 2019
Department of Communication
Consell de Formentera